Making a Facebook Fundraiser for Beacon Housing

How to Set up a Fundraiser on a browser:

  1. Log into Facebook on your browser.
  2. On the Home page locate Fundraisers on the left side bar. 
  3. Locate Raise Money for a Nonprofit at the top of the page and click it.
  4. Here you will be able to search Beacon Housing Inc. for your nonprofit, click on the name to make the selection.
  5. Once selected and at the new page, on the left side you will be able to edit the goal for money raised, the currency type, when to end the fundraiser, the title of the fundraiser, a little description of what the fundraiser is for, and a cover photo for the post.
  6. When you have everything filled out, click Create. Now your fundraiser is live.

How to Set up a Fundraiser on the Facebook App:

  1. Open the Facebook App.
  2. Click on the Menu button on the bottom right corner of the page. 
  3. Locate and click on Fundraisers, you may need to click See More to expand the list. 
  4. At the top of the page select the blue button Raise Money and at the next page select Nonprofit. 
  5. Type in the search bar, Beacon Housing Inc., for your nonprofit, click on the name to make the selection.
  6. Once selected and at the new page, on the left side you will be able to edit the goal for money raised, the currency type, when to end the fundraiser, the title of the fundraiser, a little description of what the fundraiser is for, and a cover photo for the post. 
  7. When you have everything filled out, click Create. Now your fundraiser is live.